Packed Dinner (Vegetarian meals by request)
The Qoya Raymi Quilla (in Quechua, Quya Raymi Killa) corresponds to the ninth month of the Inca calendar. It was also called Satuaiquis or Puzcuaiquiz by the chroniclers of the 16th century. This month a great festival was held dedicated to the Coya and also to the Moon (Mama Quilla), the main female divinity. It took place during the spring equinox, and the most important thing is that the purification ritual, known as Citua, was carried out, with which diseases were expelled from the city of Cusco. Furthermore, Garcilazo stated that they threw 4 Incas of blood into the river so that they could free evil in the name of all the Incas. This Festival is celebrated in the San Jeronimo District in a setting at night, under the light of the Moon, with an excellent cast of Lights and Sound.