Inca Trail Porter Welfare
Umachurco Inca trail Porter Team

Our Community Projects

Protecting together

Our Inca trail expedition couldn’t get to Machu Picchu without them. Our Porter Team is integral for us to succeed on these adventures. The only way to make it to Machu Picchu is if we work as a team: guide, travelers and PORTERS and it is our job to make sure that each member of the team is treated properly and protected. Safety in the mountains is the top priority on every trek we take.
Most of them come from the farming community called “Umachurco” Located 04 hours from Cusco City, the community is located in a good slope with terraces build by the locals, during the Rainy season they work in their lands they farm Quinoa and Potatoes, during the dry the dry season they come and with CrossoverPeru as a Porters

Every Porter at CrossoverPeru Tours receives:

  • Good and livable working wages.
  • Health insurance and full coverage of any medical cost incurred on the trek.
  • Proper uniforms including waterproof jackets and boots.
    Warm sleeping bags.
  • Access to the same first aid our clients receive.
  • A comfortable place to stay and sleep the night before and after their trek (at our Porters House).
  • Really good and nutritious food…the same meals we prepare for our trekkers.
  • Support of their family with visits by medical professionals, donations of supplies like boots and health needs and a trip to Machu Picchu. Often their first visit is with us as our guest.

support local communities while traveling

One big takeaway this season is the importance of supporting our local communities, Help us to change the world

Tailor-Made Tour